How does sleep impact your health?

You know that feeling when you get a terrible night's sleep and your day sucks? We've all experienced it from time to time, and it's very unpleasant. Let's see how sleep and health are connected and how sleep affects our health. Both physical and mental.

What happens inside the brain when we sleep?

During the night, a person goes through a total of five sleep cycles:

  • Stage 1 is the transition between wakefulness and sleep. It lasts for the first 15 minutes or so after lying down.

  • In stage 2, sleep is more profound, and we have our first dreams.

  • In the 3rd and 4th stages of the sleep cycle, muscle tone is already at a minimum, and we wake up only to a painful stimulus. These "deep sleep" stages are considered the periods of most intense regeneration, especially of physical strength.

  • The last phase is called the "REM phase." After about 90 minutes, a sleeping person's heart rate increases, oxygen consumption increases, and blood pressure, respiration, and body temperature fluctuate. We have vivid dreams, even bizarre ones.

An essential part of all of us is the circadian rhythm. What is a circadian rhythm and why is it important offers you many articles on the Internet.

Your health and sleep are connected😴🥱

The relationship between sleep and overall physical health is well-documented. Sleep allows both the body and brain to recover during the night. A good night's rest ensures you'll feel refreshed when you wake up. Below there are some facts about your sleep.

😆You will feel happier. People who sleep enough have a better mood and fewer problems with anxiety and depression. 

🛏The best time to sleep is 7-9 hours. Some people will tell you that five hours is enough for them, and it's perfectly fine because everybody is different and we all need more or less. The important thing is to find your routine and what works for you.

💪You will build muscle more easily. Your body uses most of the night to heal the damage done to your cells and tissues when you are awake and more metabolically active.

❤️You will have fewer heart problems. One study found that sleeping five hours or less was associated with a 45% increased risk for heart attacks. Be kind to yourself!

🧖‍♀️You will have healthier skin. For people who have a regular sleep, their skin recovers quickly and shows fewer signs of aging.

🧠Bran processing. Lack of sleep also causes an increase in stress hormones. Sleeping helps to lock memories into your brain. When you're sleep-deprived, you're less able to remember things you learned while awake. Sleep also helps your brain regulate emotions. You might feel irritable and moody after a poor night's rest.

⚡️Immune system function. Sleep helps boost your body's ability to fight illness. Not getting enough sleep can affect how the immune system responds to viruses and other infections. If you don't feel well, let your body rest and give him some time to recover. Your body will thank you later.

The importance of sleep hygiene. Sleep like a champion!🤩😴

In YOGAGANG we believe that everything is possible, and yes, you can also sleep like a champion! But only if you follow these rules. Let's check them below.

Key components of good sleep hygiene include:

  • Consistent sleep schedule - you should go to bed and get up at the exact times each day, including on the weekends and when you're traveling. It can take a while for your brain to adjust to the schedule. Like everything else, we can't get results quickly.

  • 20 minus napping - napping during the day can greatly interfere with the amount of sleep you get at night. You shouldn't take a nap in the morning and early afternoon. But 20 minutes of sleep during the day does not hurt at all. In the long run, such a regular nap has a positive effect on the state of a person's memory.

  • Relaxing bedroom environment - you should block light with thick curtains, use a white noise machine or earplugs to drown out loud noises, and set your bedroom thermostat to 16 to 20 degrees Celsius, which many experts agree is the ideal temperature for sleep.

  • Healthy habits - Healthy lifestyle can improve your sleep quality. It is good to avoid dining late in the evening (big and heavy meals), consuming caffeine, or drinking alcohol before bedtime.

  • Avoid blue light - take an hour before going to bed, and avoid blue light (such as phone, tablet, or TV). Melatonin is a sleep hormone, which means that its increasing level induces sleepiness, and it is a blue light that suppresses its production. Blue light slows down or stops melatonin production altogether, which kicks off sleep deprivation and tiredness during the day.

  • Before bedtime: take a warm bath, light an aromatherapy candle or do yoga poses for better sleep.

‼️And…We have special news for you, gang - YG Sleepover in October! Join us for our first-ever YG Sleepover with the best vibes, workouts, wellness, great food, endless fun, and of course, the legendary YG classes! Everything you will find HERE. Book your spot, and don’t miss it!

We hope that we help you understand why your sleep is so important in your life and why it is good to care about your sleep schedule. If you want to see us personally, come and join our YG classes every Monday and Thursday.🧘‍♀️ 


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