How to start with YOGA?

Do you always wanted to start with yoga, but you don’t know how? Or do you started but never find it so interesting to continue? 

Give it one more try with YOGAGANG and start with us! Experience a new modern style of yoga and we promise that you will never stop!

Here are some tips on how to start.


1. Try more than one class before you give up 🚀

Like in life or any other sport you might not be super happy with the first class, everything is new, you have no idea how to move through the vinyasa WTF is down dog and your whole body just feel super stiff and more than the joy you feel disappointed of yourself. IT'S NORMAL GUYS! Everything takes time and giving up after first class will not make it faster. So our recommendation is to start with an easy slow flow to get the movements, learn the poses so you don’t have to look at what to do, and then slowly build up your practice you can choose later where you want to go if it will be handstands and dynamic Yogagang flow or you will feel more like a ninja and want o work more on the smooth a controlled movements. Take your time and observe what feels right in your body.

2. Invest in a good yoga mat 🧘‍♀️

I know that it might sound like buy the most expensive yoga mat, but if you start with a s*itty yoga mat it will make your yoga experience 100% times worst. If you are fighting in a down dog and you feel your shoulders after 3 breaths slippery yoga mat will make it even harder for you. Too soft pilates or gym mat might feel good for your knees, but your wrist will not be soo happy. Our YGmat is perfect for yoga, training, or meditation non-slippery, minimalist design, and PCU material will level up your practice every time you stop on the mat. 

3. Yoga is not about getting more and more flexible 🤸

We all are different and we all need a different approach to yoga practice. In Yogagang we believe in overall strength and flexibility, that's why our classes are different than classic yoga classes. You want to always have a balance in your body so if you work on your flexibility one day another day you are supposed to work on strength to keep your body healthy. If you are naturally flexible we recommend following our signature YG classes which are focused on dynamic and strength. If you are naturally a bit stiff our ninja flows will be the right choice. Mostly the thing which you don’t like, are boring or hard are the right ones. 

4. Find your training buddy 👯‍♀️

Sharing your victories, progress with someone is always better. Involve your friends and train together to support each other. Once you need support and another day your friends together you will get further and of course, you will have more fun. 


5. Follow program or plan ☑️

The worst thing is to do the same class over and over again - you will get bored, there will be no progress and you will train all the time the same parts of the body. Our YG plans are made specially to help you to work on your constant progress. You don’t have to think about, what class you should do and it's way easier to follow harder classes when you have it on the list to do. Don’t worry there are rest days too - because we know how important they are. Just choose whats your goal and follow the plan …

👉🏽 Check our plans here

6. Ask for help 🙋‍♀️

Do you have questions? Do you struggle with some poses, or you feel pain in some movements? Ask us! YOGAGANG is here for you, our trainers are more than happy to help you. We are the family and our main goal is to help each one of you so don’t hesitate and reach us! 


How to Create Long-Lasting Habits: Quick guide


Meet YG team - Katy