Things stopping you from the growth mindset

All of us have struggled with our minds many times. And what if we told you there is something you could do about it? Did you know that the brain is plastic and constantly changing? And that we don't have a fixed personality all our lives? In this article, we'll explain the difference between growth and a fixed mindset, what can hold you back from growing it, and the benefits and our favorite tips! After all, people in YOGAGANG want to be better and grow together! So, let's go!🖤

💡The difference between growth and fixed mindset 

Science once told us that the human brain stops developing in childhood, and it is not true. The brain is constantly evolving and changing. Many parts of the brain respond to experiences, and our 'software' can be updated through learning. 

A fixed mindset: in this mindset, people believe that their intelligence is fixed and static. 

A growth mindset: in this mindset, people believe that intelligence and talents can be improved through effort and learning. 

People with the growth mindset understand that not knowing or not being good at something can be a temporary state—so they don't have to feel ashamed or try to prove they're smarter than they currently are. Carol Dweck, a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and a leading researcher in the field of motivation, says that when it comes to mindset, a growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed mindset, is what one should adopt if one wish to fulfill their potential. 

🧠 Benefits of a growth mindset

In YOGAGANG, we believe that every change positively affects our lives. There are a few benefits of a growth mindset, and believe us, and it has a massive impact on your life!

  • If you're a student, you'll like this! One study shows that a growth mindset positively affects motivation and academic performance. Be better for yourself, not for others.

  • Reduced burnout.

  • Fewer psychological problems - such as depression and anxiety

  • Inspired by the success of others - With a growth mindset, you can be inspired. For example, our K.Q. Klara, you know her. She is a workout queen, and she always pushes you harder to become your best! You can take inspiration from her to move your life forward.

  • Challenges as opportunities for growth - By accepting new opportunities, you'll likely learn and earn more. That provides a chance for you to boost your lifestyle, whether it's buying a bigger home or starting a new sport.

  • Experience less stress - Perfectionism is exhausting, increases task avoidance, and reduces productivity. With a growth mind, you're more likely to remain calm and focus on the process rather than performance and outcomes. Sounds good, right?

  • Chance to live the life you dreamed of - If you want to live in Bali and just surf all day or open a café, travel a lot, start a business, whatever. With a growth mindset, maybe you can make that happen. Sitting in your comfort zone, passing up on opportunities, and running from challenges are success blockers. Get out of your comfort zone and just DO IT! It doesn't necessarily have to be financial abundance. The true definition of success is personal.

😎Tips for developing a growth mindset

Based on the principles of neuroplasticity, it is possible to retrain your brain to develop a growth mindset. It can take some time, and the shift is similar to developing a new habit. So guys, be patient as always! Some tips from us below:

     - Set SMART personal and professional goals - In SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).

  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).

  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).

  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).

  • Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

  • - View challenges as opportunities

  • - Try learning new things

  • - Believe in your ability to get better with time

  • - Accept failure as part of the process

  • - Practice growth mindset self-talk - It means replacing for example "I'm failing" with "I'm learning".

🙅‍♀️Things that stop you from the growth mindset

  • You surround yourselves with people with a fixed mindset - If you insist on spending the majority of your time with people who do not challenge you to be more, their beliefs will rub off on you. Just remember when you are at a YG class and how much motivation it gives you, and you leave inspired.

  • You have a lack of patience - You know, consistency is the key, and success will never show up overnight. Patience allows you to work on yourself. Sooo, be kind to yourself!

  • You hate who you are as you work on becoming who you want to be - When you choose to work on yourself, it should not come from a place of lack because you cannot hate yourself or beat yourself up into a better version of yourself. Remember, what you give attention, it will happen. This is called the law of attraction.

  • You avoid making mistakes and challenges - If you want to grow, you must get out of your comfort zone and push yourself even harder! That's the mindset we represent with the people of Yogagang. Outside of your comfort zone, you grow as a person and learn so many new things about yourself. Sounds great, right?

We hope this article helps you understand a growth mindset and how you can work on itRememberet to share it with your friends and let us know what next topic you would be interested in. Take care!🖤


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